Monthly Archives: June 2015

  1. 5 Innovative Ways Industries are Using Glove Boxes

    5 Innovative Ways Industries are Using Glove Boxes

    Glove boxes were first used in the 1940s as controlled environments for the military to research radioactive materials. These special controlled environments increased in popularity as the medical field began handling viruses and other pathogens for the creation of vaccines and pharmaceuticals.

    These days, a number of glove box configurations are used in even more unimaginable ways that impact our lives. The following are just a few surprising glove box practices.


    Studying Meteorites

    Smithsonian Meteorite Nitrogen Glovebox isolator | Terra Universal


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  2. What’s Causing Your Desiccator to Leak, and How Do You Fix It?

    What’s Causing Your Desiccator to Leak, and How Do You Fix It?

    When storing sensitive materials in a desiccator cabinet, unnecessarily high gas flow into the chamber or misalignment of the cabinet can lead to costly nitrogen waste. Positive pressure within a desiccator is meant to push unwanted moisture-dense air through the cabinet’s release valves and prevent the ingress of moisture-laden air. This continuous process leaks a small portion of gas, since desiccators are not 100% air-tight systems.  Let’s consider three of the top reasons why your desiccator may be leaking:


    Cabinet Misalignment

    Terra Universal ten chamber desiccator cabinet
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